How does love differ from desire? Do they go hand in hand? This week in class we discussed questions about desire and I began to think about the difference between love and desire. Siddhartha felt a desire and attraction for Kamala, yet it is evident that they are not in love. Although, Siddhartha does not know if he loves Kamala, he knows he desires her. Their relationship is more physical. In Siddhartha's search for desire I feel he endures suffering because he cannot pinpoint exactly what he is looking for. Siddhartha knows his goal, yet he does not know how to reach it. In class I came to the conclusion that one must suffer to realize you have reached desire. Therefore, Siddhartha may have felt desire for Kamala, but he did not truly feel love.
The relationship between desire and love can also relate to the book I am reading titled "The Pickup." In this book two people, Julie and Abdu are attracted to each other and they form and intimate relationship. It is not clear the individual motives in the relationship, which is a characteristic that Julie and Abdu share with Kamala and Siddhartha. It is easy to infer that both of the characters from "The Pickup" desire the other. However, it is not evident at the point I am at that they love each other. Hence, it is difficult to conclude if desire and love go hand in hand.
Wonderful blog, Miss Belding! I especially like the connection to The Pickup, a novel I admire very much. She's one of the best.